Fun Surprise Bridal Photos at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park
Tags : bridal, engagement, South Beach, south beach engagement photo shoot, vizcaya museum bridal, vizcaya museum bridal photography, 婚纱摄影, 旅拍, 海滩婚纱摄影, 迈阿密婚纱摄影
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on a beautiful late afternoon in May 2017, we were given the task of photographing a “surprise beach bridal” session at the Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park for a group of friend who were visiting Miami. The group of friends were so thoughtful they even secretly prepared a bridal gown and the whole set of wedding party dresses and suit just to make their visit to the south Florida beaches a life long memory. It was a lot of fun doing the hour-long photo session. We loved the dynamics of the group and how they truly cared about each other, especially the two main characters. This special photo shoot certainly gave us something special to cherish too.